In the February 2019 issue of Hilton Head Monthly magazine,
my new book,
Still a Rising Tide“,
was featured in an article titled
Local Reads of the Lowcountry” by Amy Coyne Bredeson.

It was serendipitous that the write-up about my books shared a page with another article about “Our Prince of Scribes“, a tribute by local authors to the incomparable Pat Conroy.


Click for the excerpt from Hilton Head Monthly magazine.

Click on the article to enlarge it.

HHM_February_2019 Page 48 Full Page with Still a Rising Tide + Pat Conroy



Both this sequel and my first book, “Swift Currents”,

focus on the Reconstruction Era through the personal stories of freedmen as they emerged from the horrors of enslavement, assisted by United States civilian and military authorities.


I believe that the current racial strife in our country begs us to

take a second look at how we got that way,

and what, together, we can do about it.